Notation: let us have a particle of spin(more generally angular momentum, but for simplicity just consider spin) $j_1$ with projection to the third axis $m_1$ and a particle with spin $j_2$ with projection of $m_2$. We want to combine them into a doublet with total spin $J$ and its projection $M$. We write clebsch-gordan coefficient $( j_1 m_1 j_2 m_2 | J M )$.
Now consider we have two clebsh-gordan coefficients that we want to multiply: $$\sum_{M\in\{-J,..,J\}}( j_1 m_1 j_2 m_2 | J M )(j'_1 m'_1 j'_2 m'_2 | J M )$$ my question is: Is there a simple formula this can be reduced into?