Suppose we fall into a Schwarzschild black hole. According to general relativity, we can compute the (finite) free fall time in which we travel from the Schwarzschild radius to the singularity (we ASSUME by the moment GR holds, the point is to what extend is this valid both in General Relativity and the real world, but we can do it as an exercise): $$t_s=\dfrac{1}{c}\int_0^{R_S}\frac{1}{\sqrt{\dfrac{2GM}{c^2r}-1}}dr=\dfrac{\pi}{2}\dfrac{R_S}{c}=\frac{\pi GM}{c^3}\simeq \frac{M}{M_\odot}\times 1.54\times 10^{-5}s$$ My question is simple: since GR is only effective, I don't think this calculation is meaningful. Moreover, I don't understand a point I want to understand before I will recalculate all this for the time we need to reach the ring singularity in the Kerr black hole. The gravitational "field" is not uniform inside the black hole, so I can not understand:
a) The role of the equivalence principle. Free falling is tricky in the sense a free falling observer, according to Einstein, does not experience "locally" gravity, but obviously it feels tidal forces, so I can not see if at one point we should assume GR falls. Obviousle at the singularity (the only real problem) we need another theory, but as far as I see, I find problematic to understand free falling as constant acceleration, obviously it can not be constant...I think.
b) Obviously, at $r=0$, where the hypothetical singularity is, we have a divergent (infinite gravitational finite, even when that is completely nonsense), so I wonder what it means if we adopt the picture that there is no "black hole interior", as suggested by some holographic approaches.
Remark: The above time differs (I would want to know why or where is the contradiction if any) asking about the free fall into the event horizon from a external $r>R_g$, solved e.g. here In the paper, at the end the calculation provides a time $$\tau=\dfrac{4GM}{3c^3}$$ Obviously, despite an order one prefactor, is the same, but I am confused...What is the right way to compute the time and why they disagree? I posted my calculations here: