Let us be a plasma at temperature $T_e$. Electrons in it have a VDF (velocity distribution function) :
$$ f_e(\textbf{v})\text{d}^3\textbf{v}=\left( \frac{m}{2\pi k_BT_e}\right) ^{3/2} \times \exp\left[-\frac{m\textbf{v}^2}{2k_B T_e} \right]\text{d}^3\textbf{v} $$
Assume now that there is a constant and static magnetic field along the $\textbf{e}_z$ direction. Electrons will have a cyclotron motion due to Lorentz force, at frequency $\omega_c=eB/m$ around magnetic field lines. If we neglect collisions, an electron will have a velocity $$ \textbf{v}=\textbf{v}_\theta+\textbf{v}_z, $$ in cylindrical coordinates. What is the proper way to go from the VDF above to the new one in $f_e(v_\theta,v_z)$ ?
What I already did: I made the variable change in cilyndrical coordinates and got
$$ f_e(\textbf{v})\text{d}^2\textbf{v}=2\pi v_\theta\left( \frac{m}{2\pi k_BT_e}\right) \times \exp\left[-\frac{m\textbf{v}^2}{2k_B T_e} \right]\text{d}^2\textbf{v} $$
If $\textbf{v}$ was $v_r$ I would be okay, but here I have doubts.