I am trying to better understand the meaning of Holevo information $\chi$. Suppose Alice starts with data encoded on qubits in the $\{0,1\}$ basis. She takes one of these qubits, originally in pure state $\lvert0\rangle$; randomly chooses from a uniform distribution of SU(2) transformations with which to encrypt the qubit; sends the qubit to Bob.
I have the formula $\chi=S(\sum_j p_j \rho_j)-\sum_j p_j S(\rho_j)$, where $\rho_j$ are all the encrypted states Alice chooses from, with corresponding probabilities $p_j$. The first term is clearly equal to $1$ (the entropy of a completely mixed qubit state); the second term is zero, since Alice always sends pure states (albeit unknown ones); so $\chi=1$.
Have I done this correctly? It makes sense to me, but it's not the way I see others handling the calculation.
edit: note that Bob does not know Alice's key. See comment for clarification.