I will try to give you a hint to this problem first, and if it's not clear after that how to solve the problem, I will provide a more detailed answer.
Let's introduce a cartesian system of coordinates with axis $OZ$ pointing along the direction $AB$. Then you can write the expression for the potential at point A:
$$V(A) = - \int_{left \ part \ of \ sphere } \frac{G }{|\mathbf r_A - \mathbf r|} dm (\mathbf r) - \int_{right \ part \ of \ sphere } \frac{G }{|\mathbf r_A - (\mathbf r + \mathbf r_{AB})|} dm (\mathbf r)$$
Where the variable of integration $dm(\mathbf r)$ is taken to belong to the sphere as if it was not divided into two pieces and the fact that the pieces were separated is taken into account in the addition $\mathbf r _{AB} = (0,0,z_0)$.
Now you can approach the problem analytically by expanding the second integral with assumption that $z_0\gg R$, where $R$ is the radius of the sphere. You just need to expand the denumerator in the second integral into series and then make the estimations.
You don't need to calculate the integral $V(A)$ to obtain the answer. After you expand it into the series, you shoul write a similar expression for $V(B)$ and then compare them.