I am referring the book 'Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology'. In this book the author says that Fokker Plank equation in isotropic diffusion: $$\frac{\partial p(x,t)}{\partial t}=-\frac{F}{\gamma}\frac{\partial p(x,t)}{\partial x}+D\frac{{\partial}^2 p(x,t)}{{\partial x}^2}$$ $\frac{F}{\gamma}=v$ where F is force, $\gamma$ is drag coefficient and $v$ is terminal velocity. For three dimensions the same book refer to Fokker Plank equation as: $$\frac{\partial p(\textbf{X},t)}{\partial t}=-\nabla\cdot [\frac{\textbf{F}}{\gamma}p(\textbf{X},t)]+D \nabla^2 p(\textbf{X},t), \label{FPE3}$$ where $\nabla^2$ is Laplacian operator. Now my question is, can I write $\frac{\textbf{F}}{\gamma}$ as equivalent terminal velocity in three dimensions which can be vectorized as:
$$\frac{\textbf{F}}{\gamma}=\textbf{v}=(u \textbf{i}+v \textbf{j}+w \textbf{k}),$$ Basically is drag coefficient a constant which on dividing force can give a three dimensional velocity?