We need to be careful about terminology because the phrase black hole tends to be used to mean a vacuum solution. The only two vacuum solutions are the Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics, so in everyday use black hole means either the Schwarzschild or Kerr metric.
But if we relax the requirement for the geometry to be a vacuum solution then we can get other forms of black hole. For example if we add a cosmological constant we get the de Sitter-Schwarzschild solution and if we add null dust we get the Vaidya metric. Your geometry is also a non-vacuum geometry.
In principle we can tell it's not a vacuum solution by calculating the Einstein tensor from your metric, because this gives us the stress-energy tensor and that will turn out not to be zero. However the GR Mathematica notebook I have does not include a routine for calculating the Einstein tensor and calculating it by hand would be something of an ordeal. I did calculate the Ricci tensor and it seems fairly obvious from a glance that this is going to give a non-zero Einstein tensor.
But I would guess your question is really whether this geometry has a horizon. In general finding horizons is a surprisingly hard thing to do because we can only find them by considering the entire spacetime. However in a simple, static, geometry like this one we can simply look at the coordinate speed of light and see if it's zero. We do this by noting that for a light ray $ds = 0$. If we choose a radial trajectory, so $d\Omega=0$ and make this substitution we get:
$$ 0=-\left(1-\frac{r_s}{r}\right)^2dt^2 + \left(1-\frac{r_s}{r}\right)^{-2}dr^2 $$
Giving us:
$$ \frac{dr}{dt} = \pm\left(1-\frac{r_s}{r}\right)^2 $$
And since this is zero at $r=r_s$ this is indeed an event horizon.
Courtesy of AccidentalFourierTransform we can calculate the Ricci and Kretschmann scalars. The Ricci scalar turns out to be zero everywhere, which isn't much help, but the Kretschmann scalar is:
$$ K = \frac{8r_s^2 ( 6 r^2 - 12 r r_s + 7 r_s^2)}{r^8} $$
This remains finite at $r=r_s$, but goes to infinity as $r \to 0$. So the former is a coordinate singularity while the latter is a true curvature singularity.