The partial trace $\mathrm{Tr}_B$ is defined as:
- a linear map $\mathrm{Tr}_B:\mathcal{L}(\mathcal H_A\otimes \mathcal H_B) \to \mathcal{L}(\mathcal H_A)$ that goes from the space $\mathcal{L}(\mathcal H_A\otimes \mathcal H_B)$ of linear operators on $\mathcal H_A\otimes \mathcal H_B$ to the space of linear operators on $\mathcal H_A$, such that
- when it is given a tensor-product operator $O_A\otimes O_B$, it returns the left half and takes the trace of the right half, i.e. $\mathrm{Tr}_B(O_A\otimes O_B) = O_A\,\mathrm{Tr}(O_B).$
Note that the second half is not enough to specify what happens to arbitrary operators, but since you can decompose any arbitrary (nice-enough) operator on $\mathcal H_A\otimes \mathcal H_B$ as a sum of tensor-product terms, then the requirement that the partial trace be linear completely fixes its behaviour.
To calculate its action on an operator like
& = |\psi\rangle\langle\psi|
\\ & = |a|^2 |0_A 0_B\rangle \langle 0_A 0_B|
+ a b^* |0_A 0_B\rangle \langle 1_A 1_B|
\\ & \qquad + a^* b |1_A 1_B\rangle \langle 0_A 0_B|
+ |b|^2 |1_A 1_B\rangle \langle 1_A 1_B|,
\\ & = |a|^2 |0_A \rangle \langle 0_A|\otimes |0_B\rangle \langle 0_B|
+ a b^* |0_A \rangle \langle 1_A|\otimes |0_B\rangle \langle 1_B|
\\ & \qquad + a^* b |1_A \rangle \langle 0_A|\otimes |1_B\rangle \langle 0_B|
+ |b|^2 |1_A \rangle \langle 1_A|\otimes |1_B\rangle \langle 1_B|,
you have to apply those two properties sequentially: first you break up the sum,
& = |a|^2 \,\mathrm{Tr}_B(|0_A \rangle \langle 0_A|\otimes |0_B\rangle \langle 0_B|)
+ a b^* \, \mathrm{Tr}_B(|0_A \rangle \langle 1_A|\otimes |0_B\rangle \langle 1_B| )
\\ & \qquad + a^* b \,\mathrm{Tr}_B(|1_A \rangle \langle 0_A|\otimes |1_B\rangle \langle 0_B| )
+ |b|^2 \, \mathrm{Tr}_B(|1_A \rangle \langle 1_A|\otimes |1_B\rangle \langle 1_B|),
then you pass the traces to the right-hand side,
& = |a|^2 |0_A \rangle \langle 0_A|\,\mathrm{Tr}_B( |0_B\rangle \langle 0_B|)
+ a b^* |0_A \rangle \langle 1_A|\, \mathrm{Tr}_B(|0_B\rangle \langle 1_B| )
\\ & \qquad + a^* b |1_A \rangle \langle 0_A|\,\mathrm{Tr}_B( |1_B\rangle \langle 0_B| )
+ |b|^2 |1_A \rangle \langle 1_A| \,\mathrm{Tr}_B( |1_B\rangle \langle 1_B|),
and then you calculate the traces:
& = |a|^2 |0_A \rangle \langle 0_A| \times 1
+ a b^* |0_A \rangle \langle 1_A| \times 0
\\ & \qquad + a^* b |1_A \rangle \langle 0_A| \times 0
+ |b|^2 |1_A \rangle \langle 1_A| \times 1
\\ & = |a|^2 |0_A \rangle \langle 0_A| + |b|^2 |1_A \rangle \langle 1_A|.
As some additional practice, try calculating the partial trace of $\rho=|\psi⟩⟨\psi|$ as you go from an entangled state to a separable one, by taking, say,
= a|0_A\rangle|0_B\rangle + b|1_A\rangle|1_B\rangle
+\sin(\theta)\sqrt{ab}(|0_A\rangle|1_B\rangle + b|1_A\rangle|0_B\rangle),
which simplifies to your state at $\theta=0$ and to the product state $$(\sqrt{a}|0_A⟩+\sqrt{b}|1_A⟩) \otimes (\sqrt{a}|0_B⟩+\sqrt{b}|1_B⟩)$$
at $\theta=\pi/2$: you should see that as the parameter $\theta$ increases, the relevance of the off-diagonal elements of $\mathrm{Tr}_B(\rho)$ increases as well.