In the renormalization of $\phi^4$ theory the integral: $$I=\int \frac{d^Dk}{(2\pi)^D} \frac{1}{(k^2+M_0^2)((k-p)^2+M_0^2)}$$ appears during renormalization, where I am taking $M_0$ to be the bare mass. In the massless case the renormalized mass is zero, $M=0$. If I want to find the bare vertex function in terms of renormalized parameters to lowest order - I can see two possible ways to treat $I$:
- Expand $I$ to lowest order initially which since $M_0 =0+\mathcal{O}(\lambda)$ becomes: $$I=\int \frac{d^Dk}{(2\pi)^D} \frac{1}{k^2(k-p)^2}$$ This gives me a non-zero value.
- Alternatively I could calculate $I$ with $M_0$ and then expand. This gives me (in $D=4-2\varepsilon$ dimensions): $$I\propto M_0^{-\varepsilon}$$ $$ \sim \lambda^{-\varepsilon}$$ Now from what I remember we can treat $\lambda$ as arbitrarily small and as such I would say that this should go to $\infty$.
With my interpretation of $\lambda^{-\varepsilon}$ the two methods therefore do not agree. Which method is the correct way to approach this and how should I interpret the quantity $\lambda^{-\varepsilon}$