I have this exercise that i'm trying to understand:
A bar AB with a negligible mass is put on an edge, the masses $m_1,m_2,m_3$ are lied to the bar through inextensible wire(negligible mass) and a pulley with a negligible mass (as the figure shows). The question is to show that, for the bar AB to be in equilibrum, the following equation has to be satisfied: $$m_1(m_2+m_3).L_1=4.m_2.m_3.L_2$$
Say the Movement is happening on the direction the arrow points to :
By applying the second law of motion on each mass we get :
\begin{align} &(m_1) : P_1-T_1 = m_1.a_1\tag1\\ &(m_2) : T_2-P_2 = m_2.a_2\tag2\\ &(m_3) : T_3-P_3 = m_3.a_3\tag3 \end{align}
And we have $T_1=2T_2=2T_3$ (I'm not so sure about this,following the third law of motion, i got to this.).
And we have $a_2+a_3=2a_1$ (Because the same wire is connected to the three masses, and the part of the wire that is connected to $m_1$ comes from the center of the pulley, relative to an inertial frame.)
going this road didn't get me anywhere, i found that
$$a_1 = g.\frac{(m_1.m_2+m_1.m_3-4m_2.m_3)}{4m_3.m_2+m_3.m_1+m_1.m_2}$$
which setting to it equal to zero gets me this : $m_1(m_2+m_3)=4m_2.m_3$
But why would i set it to zero in the first place? is it because the mass isn't moving? it can be moving, and the masses $m_2$ and $m_3$ would be moving creating an equilibrum. so that's not what's demanded so i think i've gone the wrong way from the start.
Now i know that this equation obviously has to do with the sum of the angular momentum being equal to zero i.e $F_1.L_1=F_2.L_2$, But i don't know which Force are we talking about here? is it $T_1, T_2$ and $T_3$ or the weight of each mass?.
Each end of the bar has a tension applied to it equal to $T_1$ and $T_2+T_3$ And extracting the tensions' formulas from $(1),(2)$ and $(3)$ got me nowhere.
The 2nd question is : What is expression of the force applied on the bar by the edge? Thanks to anyone who's going to spend his time giving me some guidance.