The famous Hawking calculation is done with an assumption that the background is static, i.e. the evaporation doesn't change the mass parameter in the metric. Thus, we simply describe the geometry using the static Schwarzschild (or, generically, Kerr-Newman) metric. But clearly, the evaporation actually makes the geometry non-static and thus, the geometry should actually be described using a non-static metric. I am finding a hard time finding out what metric this is.
I think that even if the Hawking calculation is done within the assumption that the background metric is static, one can safely assume that a spherically symmetric radiation will still be being emitted from an evaporating black hole even during the stages where the static assumption is inappropriate. Thus, the natural guess for a non-static metric that describes the geometry of an evaporating black hole would be the Vaidya metric.
But, as discussed in this answer, an outgoing Vaidya metric describes a metric for which the mass parameter is continually decreasing--but this doesn't describe a black hole geometry, instead, it describes a white hole geometry. Further, as discussed in the same answer, an ingoing Vaidya metric describes a black hole geometry--but with a monotonically increasing mass parameter. Thus, none of the two Vaidya metrics qualify to describe an evaporating black hole.
So, my question is, is there any known metric that can describe a spherically symmetric geometry whose mass parameter decreases with time and the horizon is of the nature that resembles a black hole horizon? If so, then it can be considered as a metric that describes an evaporating black hole.
I recently read a comment by @JerrySchirmer that the Hawking radiation violates the energy conditions. If so is the case then the argument that an ingoing Vaidya metric has a monotonically increasing mass parameter doesn't work (as this argument relies on the null energy condition). If someone can provide some canonical references in this regard then it would be truly helpful.