I'm trying to solve a problem related to waves on a string.
Say I have an infinite string, with tension $T$ and mass density $\mu$.
To the string, at $x=0$ (seeing as it's infinite, the specific point doesn't actually matter, so long as it's constant), I attach a spring $k$ (the string is horizontal whilst the spring is vertical).
I am attempting to calculate the reflected and transmitted waves, resulting from an incident wave: $$y_{inc}(x,t)=A_{inc}\,e^{i(x-\omega\,t)}$$
My attempt at a solution was to write
$$\mu\,\frac{\partial^2y}{\partial t^2}|_{x=0}=T\,\frac{\partial^2y}{\partial x^2}|_{x=0}-k\,y(0,t)$$
which (I think) is, generally speaking, true. I am not sure how (if at all) I can use this to find an expression for the reflected wave.
So, my question is how does the spring affect the reflection?