$J$ and $K$ are $n$-dimensional sources, while $\theta$ and $\eta$ are spinor fields.
I can't provide a complete proof right now, but you might want to take a look here for an explicit calculation of the the analogous case for bosonic fields, which is much simpler.
I'll outline a heuristic derivation of the simpler case of only one spinor field with a single source $J$. In that case the relevant integral is
$\int d\theta \exp\left[-\frac{1}{2}\theta^T A\theta+ J^T\theta\right]$
where $\theta$ is understood to be a vector of $n$ Grassmann variables.
Since Grassmann integrals are invariant with respect to translation of the Grassmann integration variable, it would be nice if there was a transformation that would make the second term independent of $\theta$. Such a transformation is given by
$\theta \rightarrow (\theta - A^{-1}J)^T$,
where we assume that $A$ is anti-symmetric, $A^T = -A$.
Plugging this into the integrand and crunching through the algebra (mostly multiplication and recalling that we also have $J_i\theta_k = - \theta_kJ_i$) yields (up to sign errors)
$\int d\theta \exp\left[-\frac{1}{2}\theta^T A\theta+ J^T\theta\right] = \int d\theta \exp\left[-\frac{1}{2}\theta^T A\theta+ J^TA^{-1}J\right]$.
The second part of the exponent can come outside the integral, while the remaining part can be shown to be equal to the square root of the determinant of $A$.
If the above seems a bit flaky I would appreciate input from someone better acquainted with Grassmann integrals.