There is something I don't understand about quasiparticles density of states.
I work with the book "Introduction to many body physics" from Coleman.
When he introduces the quasiparticle he does the following.
We consider a Fermi sea of a non interacting system. Now we "enable" the interactions adiabatically. Thus we have an adiabatic correspondance between the non-interacting system and the interacting one. We can thus refer to the interacting system eigenstates by $ | \{n_{p \sigma} \rangle \} $ where $n_{p \sigma}$ is the occupation of electrons in the non interacting system (1-1 correspondance between the eigen states).
Now, he defines a quasiparticle by saying it is the fact to add a single electron above fermi sea and then enabling the interactions. We will end up with a state of the interacting system that has a single excitation. He calls this excitation a quasiparticle.
The energy of a single quasiparticle is then defined by :
$$ E^0_{p \sigma}=E(p,\sigma)-E_0$$
Where $E_0$ : energy of the adiabatic correspondance of the fermi sea of the non interacting system.
$E(p,\sigma)$ : energy of the adiabatic correspondance of the fermi sea + 1e above of the non interacting system.
What I don't understand :
If we have 2 quasiparticles, the energy of them will not simply be : $E^0_{p_1,\sigma_1}+E^0_{p_2,\sigma_2}$ because of the interactions between them.
But in the book, he defines the quasiparticles density of states as :
$$ N^*(E)=2\sum \delta(E-E^0_{p}) $$
For me this would be the density of states if we only had single excitations. Am I right ?
Thus can we really use this quantity as a usual density of states. Like if we want to count the total number of quasiparticles in the system for me we can't simply do :
$$ N=\int N^{*}(E) dE$$
Am I right or can we still do this even if we have the interactions ??
And final question : Imagine I want to compute something like $\chi_c=\frac{1}{V} \frac{\partial N}{\partial \mu} $. Does the $N$ refers to number of quasiparticles or number of electrons ? In fact I am still confused with the notion of quasiparticles, if we want to compute thermodynamic quantities involving the number of particles in the system why should we take the number of quasiparticles instead of the number of particles ?
[edit] : In fact I don't understand if the quasiparticles are excitation above the Fermi sea or just electrons interacting (and thus number of electrons = number of quasiparticles).
PS :
this topic Density of states in a system of interacting electrons says that in an interacting system the DOS doesn't necessarily has a meaning but we can have a meaning in fermi liquids (which is my case). But as I said, for me the quasiparticles are still interacting between themself so I don't know how to give a meaning to it.