So I've noticed this many times over the years, and in my head come to different conclusions as to what is happening, and then it struck me that I could ask here and maybe finally be sure.
When cooking something on the hob, noodles being a common example, but also it happens with soup, stir frys, or anything with a medium/large moisture content - I've noticed that the moment you remove it from the heat, or turn the heat down, there's a appearance of steam which wasn't previously visible.
Now I presume the steam is always there, and you just don't 'see' it until you remove the heat source - but why?
I've come to the conclusion that the steam that I see is because the water molecules are forming into larger water droplets once it's removed from the heat, and while it's still on the heat this doesn't happen as the steam has enough energy to move away while still too small to see - but maybe I'm wrong, can anyone settle this for me?