Let $\mathrm{SO}(1,d-1)_{+}$ be the restricted Lorentz Group in $d$ dimensions. Are there projective irreducible representations of this group that do not descend from a representation of $\mathrm{C}\ell_{1,d-1}$?
In other words, it is known that any representation of the Clifford algebra induces a representation of the corresponding $\mathrm{Spin}$ group; is the converse true, i.e., does any representation of the $\mathrm{Spin}$ group correspond to some representation of the corresponding Clifford algebra?
Any set of matrices $\{\gamma^\mu\}$ satisfying $$ \gamma^{(\mu}\gamma^{\nu)}=\eta^{\mu\nu}\tag1 $$ leads to a set of matrices $S^{\mu\nu}:=\frac i2\gamma^{[\mu}\gamma^{\nu]}$ satisfying $$ [S^{\mu\nu},S^{\rho\sigma}]=\eta^{\mu\rho}S^{\nu\sigma}+\text{perm.}\tag2 $$
My question is: is it true that for any set of matrices $\{S^{\mu\nu}\}$ satisfying $(2)$ we will have a set of matrices $\{\gamma^\mu\}$ satisfying $(1)$?
Note: when considering projective representations of this group, only two phases are possible, $\pm1$. Needless to say, here I am asking about those corresponding to $-1$. For the other sign the answer is obvious.