When I encounter a single cantilever beam with a uniform load, I know what to do. When I know the uniform load, I can calculate the deflection of the end of the cantilever beam.
Now, I have a composite beam, consisting of two materials (the two materials are on top of eachother and the load is applied from the top). The materials have a different thicknes $d$ and a different Young's modulus, $E$. I am trying to find the deflection for this composite beam under a uniform load.
I do not have a very solid background in statics, so I am struggling a bit to find the deflection for this configuration. I've found some sources that seem relevant here and here, but I do not really manage to properly add the pieces of information I have now. I could go down the route with a transformation of the material via an equal axial stiffness, but this does not seem very convincing yet.