I'm working on a 3D space game with no gravity but multiple engines at the spaceship. My problem is collecting the different rotations and put them together.
For example, this is the prototype of my spaceship:
If I put force to the upper and lower part (A) the ship will rotate like a screw as shown in the picture. This is working very well... but if I add a second rotation onto the spaceship, like in picture number two:
The ship rotates weird. I want to have it like in this video:
I know, that the problem is, that I multiply the rotation-matrices in the wrong order... but I tried every order and then I figured out, that with the euler-angles I always get the problem with the gimbal lock, because I split the rotation into x/y/z rotations. I don't know an other way, because in space if you make a rotation, it'll rotate infinite long... and I somehow have to save the different rotations and add them together. I also don't need a 100% physical correct rotation, and it also has to be calculated in real-time so 60 frames per second. Does someone have an idea of implementing it? BTW: At the end the ship will have a lot of engines and they are separate controllable.
More details:
I usually have some matrices:
1: model-matrix: this matrix is a 4x4 matrix which describes the position rotation and scale of the spaceship. the upper-left 3x3 matrix inside the 4x4 matrix describes the rotation and scale of the ship.
2: Rotation-matrix: this is a 3x3 matrix which describes an axis and an angle for rotating the model-matrix.
to make a rotation, I multiply the rotation-matrix with the model-matrix (upper-left 3x3 matrix). every engine(jet) makes a torque. And I split this rotation into x/y/z rotations. and add them to the rotation-matrix. That means, to stop a rotation (for example x rotation), I add the -x rotation onto the rotation-matrix.
I hope this description helps ;)
also: I don't need a 100% correct rotation. the spaceship should rotate like a sphere... maybe different models would rotate different.