In on-axis holography one can consider
- the plane wave from source
- the scattered wave from object (spherical if the object is a point)
Then it is possible to model the transmission on the photographic plate with a transmission coefficient $T$ $$T=\alpha I-1$$
And calculate the transmitted wave intensity, which comes out to be made of
- an attenuated plane wave
- two spherical waves, one converging on the object (from a virtual image), one converging on the simmetrical point on the other side of the plate, hence forming a real image.
(This is the derivation suggested by, e.g. Hariharan - Basics of Holography, 1.2)
My question is: The transmitted wave above described is the wave "just after" the plate. All the (Fresnel) diffraction phenomena have not been taken into account, so is that wave to be considered the diffracted wave already? Or should one do diffraction calculations, based on Fresnel diffraction on that wave? If so, what is the result?