It is known that for local field redefinitions for which the LSZ formula is valid: $$\langle 0|\phi(x)|p\rangle \neq 0$$ field redefinitions don't change the S-matrix. (See QMechanic's answer to Equivalence Theorem of the S-Matrix)
But is it true for non-local field redefintions? For instance if I take a field redefinition of the form: $$\psi(x)=e^{-l\Box} \phi(x)$$
Will the S-matrix be invariant under this?
From QMechanic's explanation linked above and the answer by AccidentalFourier Transform here it would seem that the answer should be yes.
Edit: My main concerns are
Is such a transformation invertible? Is this a concern?
Any boundary condition on $\psi$ would translate to infinitely many boundary conditions on $\phi$. Is this relevant?