Yes, this is perfectly possible
The way you do this is by choosing a charge distribution which is 'completely dipolar' in some suitable sense, and this will produce an electric field which is also a pure dipole. In more technical terms, all you need to do is use a charge distribution with a separable angular dependence (i.e. $\rho(\mathbf r) = f(r) g(\theta,\phi)$) and then set that angular dependence to a suitable spherical harmonic.
The simplest example of this is a surface charge distribution spread over a sphere, of radius $a$, say, which has a dipolar dependence, i.e. the simple-as-day surface charge density
$$\sigma(\theta,\phi) = \sigma_0 \cos(\theta),$$
which looks like the image below, where red is positive and blue is negative, and the darker mesh lines are contours separated by constant
(I'm also partial to dipolar gaussian charges, with the volume charge density $\rho(\mathbf r) = A\, z\, e^{-r^2/a^2}$, but with that one the charge is never quite fully zero when away from the system.)
Once you do decide to look at this charge distribution, there are two main nice things that happen:
- The electric field outside the sphere is exactly that of a pure point dipole, and
- the electric field inside the sphere is exactly uniform.
This can be shown via a few simple steps:
- The point-dipole electric field $$\mathbf E_\mathrm{out}(\mathbf r) = {\frac {1}{4\pi \epsilon _{0}}}\frac {3(\mathbf {p} \cdot {\hat {\mathbf {r} }}){\hat {\mathbf {r} }}-\mathbf {p} }{r^{3}}$$ is a valid electric field (conservative and a solution of the Laplace equation) when away from the boundary.
- The uniform electric field $\mathbf E_\mathrm{in} (\mathbf r) = \mathbf E_0$ is obviously a valid electric field inside the sphere.
We take these two for granted (though if required they can be checked by direct differentiation), and this means that to show that the fields as claimed above correspond to our surface density we only need to show that they obey the right matching at the boundary. Thus, we have
The two fields match in a conservative fashion at the boundary, i.e. their components normal to the surface are equal (so you cannot harvest free energy by doing small loops around the surface). To show this, we have
$$\hat{\boldsymbol \theta}\cdot \mathbf E_\mathrm{in}(\mathbf r) = \hat{\boldsymbol \theta}\cdot \mathbf E_0 = \hat{\boldsymbol \theta}\cdot \hat{\mathbf z}E_0 = E_0 a \sin(\theta),$$
where the azimuthal component along $\hat{\boldsymbol \phi}$ is in both cases obviously zero, and
\hat{\boldsymbol \theta}\cdot \mathbf E_\mathrm{out}(\mathbf r)
\hat{\boldsymbol \theta}\cdot {\frac {1}{4\pi \epsilon _{0}}}\frac {3(\mathbf {p} \cdot {\hat {\mathbf {r} }}){\hat {\mathbf {r} }}-\mathbf {p} }{r^{3}}
-\frac {1}{4\pi \epsilon_0}\frac{\hat{\boldsymbol \theta}\cdot\hat{\mathbf z}p }{a^{3}}
-\frac {1}{4\pi \epsilon_0}\frac{p \sin(\theta) }{a^{3}}
Since the angular dependence matches, all we need to do is set $E_0 = -p/ 4\pi\epsilon_0a^4$.
Moreover, now is a good time to calculate the dipole moment in terms of the surface charge density: the $x$ and $y$ components vanish by symmetry, and the axial component gives
p_z &= \int z \sigma(\theta,\phi) \mathrm dA
= \int_0^\pi \int_0^{2\pi} a\cos(\theta) \sigma_0\cos(\theta) a^2 \sin(\theta) \mathrm d\phi \mathrm d\theta
\\&= 2\pi a^3\sigma_0\int_0^{\pi} \cos^2(\theta) \sin(\theta)\mathrm d\theta
= 2\pi a^3\sigma_0\int_{-1}^{1} u^2 \mathrm du
\\&= \frac{4\pi}{3} a^3\sigma_0
The normal components of the fields differs by the surface charge density (or, in plainer terms, if you zoom in enough, the surface charge density works like an infinite plane of charge, pushing the electric field by $\sigma/2\epsilon_0$ away from it in either direction). To see this, we calculate
$$\hat{\mathbf r}\cdot \mathbf E_\mathrm{in}(\mathbf r) = \hat{\mathbf r}\cdot \mathbf E_0 = \hat{\mathbf r}\cdot \hat{\mathbf z}E_0 = E_0 a \cos(\theta)$$
\hat{\mathbf r}\cdot \mathbf E_\mathrm{out}(\mathbf r)
\hat{\mathbf r}\cdot {\frac {1}{4\pi \epsilon _{0}}}\frac {3(\mathbf {p} \cdot {\hat {\mathbf {r} }}){\hat {\mathbf {r} }}-\mathbf {p} }{r^{3}}
{\frac {1}{4\pi \epsilon _{0}}}\frac {2\mathbf {p} \cdot {\hat {\mathbf {r} }}}{a^{3}}
{\frac {1}{2\pi \epsilon _{0}}}\frac {p\cos(\theta)}{a^{3}},
and we confirm that $\hat{\mathbf r}\cdot \mathbf E_\mathrm{out}(\mathbf r)-
\hat{\mathbf r}\cdot \mathbf E_\mathrm{in}(\mathbf r) =\frac{1}{\epsilon_0}\sigma(\theta,\phi)$, where we have
\hat{\mathbf r}\cdot \mathbf E_\mathrm{out}(\mathbf r)-\hat{\mathbf r}\cdot \mathbf E_\mathrm{in}(\mathbf r)
& =
{\frac {1}{2\pi \epsilon _{0}}}\frac {p\cos(\theta)}{a^{3}}-E_0 a \cos(\theta)
\\ & =
\left(\frac {p}{2\pi \epsilon_0a^4}- E_0\right)a \cos(\theta)
\\ & =
\left(\frac {p}{2\pi \epsilon_0a^4}+\frac {p}{4\pi \epsilon_0a^4}\right)a \cos(\theta)
\\ & =
\frac {3p}{4\pi \epsilon_0a^3}\cos(\theta)
\\ & =
Thus, since the electric fields as given are full solutions everywhere for this charge distribution, they are the fields it generates.
The above text has a bit more detail than strictly necessary, in the interest of providing an essentially self-contained resource, but what did we learn? Well, it shows that whenever one is bothered by the presence of a point dipole field
$$\mathbf E_\mathrm{out}(\mathbf r) = {\frac {1}{4\pi \epsilon _{0}}}\frac {3(\mathbf {p} \cdot {\hat {\mathbf {r} }}){\hat {\mathbf {r} }}-\mathbf {p} }{r^{3}},$$
one can always conceptualize it as arising from this charge density, and all the conceptual issues fall away, without the need of tricky limits or unclear approximations.
Moreover, the method extends directly to any arbitrary multipolarity: do you want to conceptualize quadrupoles or octupoles? No problem, just plop in an appropriate solid harmonic as your $\sigma(\theta,\phi)$, and you will automatically have a charge density that produces the relevant multipolar field. Moreover, this method extends all the way to hexadecapoles as beyond (as showcased in Hexadecapole potential using point particles?) where methods like point-charge-hypercubes give out.
The Mathematica code used to produce the image in this answer is available through Import[""][""]