I'm having trouble understanding something in a book that I'm reading (Chorin & Marsden intro to fluid mechanics):
Next we shall examine a model of incompressible, inviscid flow. We imagine the vorticity is concentrated in $N$ point vortices, (i.e. points where the vorticity field is singular), centred at $z_1,z_2,...z_N$ in the plane. The stream function of the j$^{\text{th}}$ vortex, ignoring other vortices for a moment, is
$$ \psi_j(z) = -\frac{\Gamma_j}{2\pi}\log(|z-z_j|).$$
My question is, how do we evaluate $\Gamma_j$? The only definition given for circulation that I've seen is one in terms of a line integral $$\Gamma = \oint_C \vec{u} \cdot d\vec{s}$$ around a closed curve $C$. How can we evaluate this if our "$C$" is really a single point?
I believe that the answer has to do with path deformation being valid, and so perhaps it doesn't even matter which closed curve we choose, but I'm not sure why that would be the case.
Follow-up optional question: Why does it follow that $\psi_j$ is defined in this way?