It is about a particle with mass $m$ in a potential $V(x)$:
I want to do a graphical determination(at first only the symmetrical case) of the energy eigenvalues. I will show you my previous work:
Since the independent Schrödinger Equation is $\varphi''+k^2(x)\varphi=0$ with $k^2(x)=\frac{2m}{\hbar^2 }\left[E-V(q)\right]$ there is following general solution for the wave-function $$\varphi(x) = \begin{cases} 0 &\mbox{if } |x| > b \\ \alpha_+e^{ikx}+\alpha_- e^{-ikx} & \mbox{if } -b < x < -a \\ \beta_+e^{\kappa x} + \beta_-e^{-\kappa x} & \mbox{if } -a < x < a \\ \gamma_+ e^{ikx}+\gamma_- e^{-ikx} & \mbox{if } a < x < b \end{cases}$$
(i.e. if $k^2 > 0 $ there is an oscillating pattern, which we have in zone I and III (classically allowed) and if $k^2 < 0$ an exponential behavior, which we only have in zone II(classically not-allowed))
We can simplify a few things for the symmetric solution: $\varphi(x) = \varphi(-x)$
So I only have to determine
$$\frac{\varphi_3}{\varphi_3'}=\frac{\varphi_2}{\varphi_2'}, (1)$$
because this is the condition in this case, where the so-called Wronski Determinant is zero. In addition to we have some more conditions for combining the several functions in each Section I,II and II: $$\varphi_1(-b)=\varphi_3(b)=0$$ $$\varphi_1(-a)=\varphi_2(-a)$$ $$\varphi_2(a)=\varphi_3(a))$$
And of course the symmetrical charasteristic $\varphi_n(x) = \varphi(-x)$. To shorten this a here is the condition Eq. (1): $$\kappa \tanh(\kappa a) = k\cot[k(a-b)](2)$$
Let me compare this to another short example please: Imagine we have such potential:" And the Wronski Determinant would be zero here(symmetrical case), when $\kappa = k\tan(ka)$. By multiplying $a$ with this equation and by let being $\eta = \kappa\cdot a$ and $\xi = k\cdot a$ you will get $$\eta = \xi \tan \xi,$$ which brings you to following graphically solution of the energy eigenvalues of this potential well(ignore the dotted $cot$-function, it would be for the antisymmetrical case, the $tan$-function is for the symmetrical case):
So my question is now, how can I make my Eq. (2) only dependent from one value like in the example I showed above? Can someone give me a tip please, because I am clueless atm.