Another way of thinking about this:
In general, tensors with "down" indices are maps from the space of vectors${}^{1}$ to the space of functions. So, a tensor $\bf T$ is a function that takes two vectors and spits out a real number, and you can think of it in the "index-free" manner as:
$${\bf T}\left({\vec v_{1}}, {\vec v_{2}}\right) = f(x^{a})$$
There is also a further restriction on $T$: it is multilinear in both of its coordinates. So, if you multiply either vector by a scalar, you multiply $f$ by the same scalar; and if you replace either vector by a sum of two other vectors, the result is the sum of the tensor acting on the individual vectors. This forces $T$ to be representable as a matrix, which leads us to the familiar notation:
$$f(x^{c}) = v_{1}^{a}T_{ab}v_{2}^{b}$$
Now, it should be obvious that ${\bf T}$ can, in principle, act differently on $v_{1}$ and $v_{2}$, and this happens if $T_{ab}$ is not symmetric.
Now, what does this have to do with differentials? Well, remember that we can express the basis of the vector space with partial derivatives, so that:
$${\vec v} = v^{a}\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{a}}$$
which makes $\vec v$ acting on a function $f$ the directional derivative of $f$ along $\vec v$. So, partial derivatives are the basis of our "up" space of vectors. What is the basis of the "down" space of vectors? Well, we need something that has an index, let's call it $e^{a}$, we also need:
$$\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{a}}e^{b} = \delta^{b}{}_{a}$$
Well, if we choose $e^{a} = dx^{a}$, this should be obviously true. So, just like we can express:
$${\vec v} = v^{a}\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{a}}$$
we can also express:
$${\bf T} = T_{ab}dx^{a}dx^{b}$$
And the only way we can also have a $\bf T$ that acts differently on its first and second argument is if we also have $dx^{a}dx^{b} \neq dx^{b}dx^{a}$ when $a \neq b$
Finally, note that a lot of this is moot, because metric tensors are defined to be symmetric: the basal requirement for a dot product is that ${\vec v} \cdot {\vec w} = {\vec w} \cdot {\vec v} = g_{ab}v^{a}w^{b} = g_{ab}w^{a}v^{b}$
${}^{1}$ Yes, I know we're talking about vector fields and tensor fields, rather than vectors and tensors, but let's not complicate this by making that distinction right now.