I have been reading a recent paper. In it, the authors performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of parallel-plate supercapacitors, in which liquid resides between the parallel-plate electrodes. To simplify the situation, let us suppose that the liquid between the electrodes is argon liquid.
The system has a "slab" geometry, so the authors are only interested in variations of the liquid structure along the $z$ direction. Thus, the authors compute the particle number densities averaged over $x$ and $y$: $\bar{n}_\alpha(z)$, where $\alpha$ is a solvent species. (That is, in my simplified example, $\alpha$ is argon -- an argon atom.) $\bar{n} _\alpha(z)$ has dimensions of $\frac{\text{number}}{\text{length}^3}$ or simply $\text{length}^{-3}$, I think.
The $xy$-plane is given by the inequalities $-x_0 < x < x_0$ and $-y_0 < y < y_0$. The area $A_0$ of the $xy$-plane is thus given by $A_0 = 4x_0y_0$.
So, the authors define the particle number density averaged over $x$ and $y$ as follows: $$\bar{n}_\alpha(z) = A_0^{-1} \int_{-x_0}^{x_0} \int_{-y_0}^{y_0} dx^\prime dy^\prime n_\alpha(x^\prime, y^\prime, z)$$ where $A_0 = 4x_0y_0$ and $n_\alpha(x, y, z)$ is the local number density of $\alpha$ at $(x, y, z)$.
Thus, $\bar{n}_\alpha(z)$ is simply proportional to $n_\alpha$ integrated over $x$ and $y$. But, my question is, what is $n_\alpha(x, y, z)$? How is $n_\alpha(x, y, z)$ determined in practice?
As far as the computer is concerned, the argon atoms are point particles; they are modeled as having zero volume (although they interact by Lennard-Jones interactions). So how is it possible to define a number density?
Do we simply "cut" the "slab" in "slices" along $z$ and then assign the particles to these slices? There might be 5 particles in the first $z$ slice, 10 in the second, 7 in the third, and so on. If I then divide 5, 10, and 7 by the volume of the respective slice, then I have a sort of number density, with units of $\frac{\text{number}}{\text{length}^3}$ or simply $\text{length}^{-3}$. But how do I now integrate this $n_\alpha(x^\prime, y^\prime, z)$ over $x$ and $y$? Do I have to additionally perform binning in the $x$ and $y$ directions?