I'm studying the proof of a theorem and, being not very expert in QFT, I'm having problems understanding a couple of equalities that my professor said to be useful in order to understand said proof.
The first one is $$\det{\left( -\Delta+V''[\varphi] \right)} = \int\mathscr{D}\psi\,\mathscr{D}\bar{\psi}\,\,\exp{\left[ -\int d^D x\, \bar{\psi}(x)\left( -\Delta+V''[\varphi] \right)\psi(x)\right]}$$ where $V$ is a generic potential, $\psi$ and $\bar{\psi}$ two fermionic fields.
The second one is $$\delta[F] = \int\mathscr{D}\omega\,\,\exp{\left[ \int d^D x\,\omega(x)\,F \right]}$$ with $F$ a functional of the type $F=F[\varphi(x)]$, with $\varphi(x)$ and $\omega(x)$ bosonic fields.
Any help would be much appreciated, as I really don't know where to start!