From Wikipedia:
The dynamical symmetry group of the $n$-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator is the special unitary group $SU(n)$. As an example, the number of infinitesimal generators of the corresponding Lie algebras of $SU(2)$ and $SU(3)$ are three and eight respectively. This leads to exactly three and eight independent conserved quantities (other than the Hamiltonian) in these systems. The two dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator has the expected conserved quantities of the Hamiltonian and the angular momentum, but has additional hidden conserved quantities of energy level difference and another form of angular momentum
How can I show that $\mathbf{H} = \hbar \omega \left(\vec{a}^\dagger \vec{a} + \frac{N}{2}\right)$ has dynamical symmetry of $SU(N)$?
Which operator/generator do I need to show to commute with $H$?