I have some understanding of how the large-$N$ expansion works but feel like I'm missing the most important concepts.
For example, I understand that in QCD the order of the diagram in $N$ depends only on it's topology (Euler characteristic $\chi$). From where it immediately follows that one has an infinite number of diagrams of same order in $N$. After we limit ourselves with only the consideration of the leading $N$ order, how do we treat all those?
Here's my guess. The following two diagrams have weights $Nt$ and $Nt^2$, correspondingly.
Do we say that the first of them is more important since it has a smaller power of the 't Hooft parameter $t$? This sounds reasonable, but I've never seen people writing expansions in $t$; all the books tell about the $1/N$ expansion. If not, then how do we sum all the diagrams which are of same order in $N$?