A proton-proton scattering event cannot take place with the exchange of a single gluon. The argument is that an attempt to draw a Feynman diagram for this process results in colourful outgoing states with the exchange of a single octet. I'm just wondering,
- What is then wrong with the following diagram?
I realise $b \bar b$ does not exist alone as one of the eight gluons (there is no linear combination of the eight orthogonal states to get a pure $b \bar b$ gluon state) but I could write the exchanged gluon as, say, $b \bar b - g \bar g$ which is a viable gluonic state and as far as I can see would not violate colour conservation in the above diagram.
2) I've seen in many sources that the colour factor $C_F$ for the amplitude between two colour singlet states mediated between a single gluon is given to be $4/3$. It is then said this results in an interaction potential between two singlets to be $-4/3 r^{-1}$. But if this process does not exist (as demonstrated e.g in the context of the proton proton scattering) then what is the meaning of this non vanishing colour factor - should it not be identically zero since the process is not feasible?
See such remarks made in e.g, at the beginning of this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VB-pYuIZw4 and at 55:30.