(Note: I'm only considering flat spacetime in this question.) The Unruh effect is that the quantum state that looks like the vacuum in an inertial frame looks like a thermal bath of particles in a frame with proper acceleration $a$, with an effective temperature $T = \frac{\hbar a}{2 \pi c k_B}$. Presumably the accelerated observer not only sees Unruh radiation, but also interacts with it. Indeed, if the radiation is hot enough, then the accelerated observer will necessarily burn up. But I'm confused what this burnup process would look like back in the inertial frame, in which there are no particles except for the accelerated observer herself. For example, it seems to me that in the inertial frame, one might observe someone accelerating more and more, and then suddenly "spontaneously combusting." What would account for this "combustion" in the inertial frame?
Some people I've talked to have pointed out that "burning up" is not a very precisely defined concept at the scale of particle physics - fair enough. Here's a (hopefully) completely precise example problem (but feel free to ignore it if you think that the paragraph above already lays out the problem precisely enough to answer). Suppose you were to subject a single proton to a static, uniform electric field of strength $5 \times 10^{24}$ V/m.* Such a field would impart a force of $800$ kN on the proton and accelerate it at a proper acceleration of $5 \times 10^{32}$ m/s$^2$. The proton would then observe Unruh radiation at an effective Hagedorn temperature of $2 \times 10^{12}$ K, so it would deconfine and its constituent quarks would fly apart. But in the inertial frame, the temperature is still zero and there is no "real" thermal bath for the proton to interact with - it would just look like the proton disintegrated just because of the electric field. From the inertial frame, what would the deconfinement mechanism be?
Also see my related question Can you ride Hawking radiation away from a black hole?.
*Such a strong electric field would not be achievable in the real world, because it would induce vacuum polarization and charged virtual particle pair-creation that would reduce the field strength. But I think that if one were to consider a simplified model with only photons, gluons, and up and down quarks, then it would be theoretically possible.