Suppose we have an amplitude $M^\mu\equiv\langle p|J^\mu(q)|0\rangle$, where $J$ is a conserved current so$$q_\mu M^\mu=0,$$and $\langle p|$ is a particle of momentum $p$ corresponding to the renormalized field $\varphi$ $$\langle0|\varphi(0)|p\rangle=1.$$
We can consider the off-shell amplitude
$$A^\mu(p,q)\equiv \int dx^4 dy^4 e^{ipx}e^{-iqy}\langle 0|T\varphi(x)J^\mu(y)|0\rangle,$$ which by LSZ reduction should be dominated by a pole when $p$ goes on mass shell, with a residue equal to $M$ $$A^\mu(p^0\rightarrow E_p,q)=\frac{i}{p^2-m^2}M^\mu(q)+\dots$$
Now the problem is if you dot $A$ with $q$, the RHS should vanish as above, but the LHS has a contact term due to the time ordering $$q_\mu A^\mu = i\int dx^4 dy^4 e^{ipx}e^{-iqy}\delta(x^0-y^0)\langle 0|[\varphi(x),J^0(y)]|0\rangle.$$
So the LHS does not equal zero in general (I did ignore boundary terms when I did integration by parts), but the RHS does (I did ignore the non-pole terms). What am I missing?