For concreteness, consider a hydrostatic system in mechanical equilibrium. For example, a gas in a cylinder with a piston of weight $mg$ in equilibrium. In the situation of equilibrium, $$mg=PA\tag{1}$$ where $A$ is area of the piston and $P$ is the pressure exerted by the gas. Since the hydrostatic workdone is given by $$W=\int PdV,\tag{2}$$ and because $P\neq 0$, the it is possible for the system to perform work even when the condition (1) is satisfied. The forces are balanced doesn't necessarily mean that there is no work done. The piston can have non-zero but uniform velocity even when the net force on it is zero.
$\bullet$ Does it mean that a system in equilibrium can perform work and workdone doesn't require deviation from equilibrium?
EDIT: I'm not talking about quasistatic processes in which at each step the system is infinitesimally close to equilibrium and passes through several equilibrium configurations at each step. I'm asking whether a system in a given equilibrium configuration $\mathcal{C}$ can perform work without deviating from $\mathcal{C}$.
I think, if at any instant of time $t$, when the condition (1) is satisfied, it is possible that the piston can have a nonzero velocity. But as soon as the piston moves up or down, the internal pressure drops and the equilibrium is disturbed, Therefore, it is not possible to maintain the same equilibrium state $\mathcal{C}$ while performing work. As soon as the piston moves, the system deviates from $\mathcal{C}$ charecterized by a given set of variables $(P,V,T)$.
I'm not sure whether my line of reasoning is correct.