What does the two-point position space function of massive scalars look like in Minkowski space?
$$\langle 0| \phi(x) \phi (y)|0\rangle =\ ?$$
I've been trying to better understand the analytic behavior of some simple correlators and realized I don't quite know how to write down such a function. Is there a closed form which I can learn about its poles, cuts, etc.?
Usually when discussing such objects authors will just write this as a Fourier transform of momentum space, $D(x,y)=\langle 0| \phi(x) \phi (y)|0\rangle =\int e^{-i p(x-y)} D(p)$, without actually evaluating the Fourier transform. I'm worried I am missing some subtleties when I try to do it myself. Other authors will argue that if we think about the physics, we should really be concerned with causal objects and so we should consider a related object like $\langle0| [\phi(x), \phi (y)]|0\rangle $. (For example Peskin & Schroeder pp. 27-29)
This seems like a basic object so I am assuming I have some very basic misunderstanding. The only time I ever see such an object discussed in physics is when dealing with a CFT. Here, however, one is always interested in a massless theory (we don't need no scales!).
- One suggestion is just to use this procedure, but I believe the starting point there involves a time-ordered correlation function (i.e. Feynman propagator). I'm specifically interested in the non-time-ordered case.
- Another suggestion is that I should be careful about my language. This seems the providence of Wightman functions and more general distributions in field theory, but alas this is not my forte.