I'm aware of the solid spherical harmonics functions, which are basically the surface spherical harmonics $Y^m_{\ell}(\theta,\varphi)$ with an additional monomial term along the radial direction:
$R^m_{\ell}(\mathbf{r}) \equiv \sqrt{\frac{4\pi}{2\ell+1}}\; r^\ell Y^m_{\ell}(\theta,\varphi)$
$I^m_{\ell}(\mathbf{r}) \equiv \sqrt{\frac{4\pi}{2\ell+1}} \; \frac{ Y^m_{\ell}(\theta,\varphi)}{r^{\ell+1}}$
These solid harmonics obey known translation formulae for a shift of the reference frame along a vector $\mathbf{a}$:
$R^m_\ell(\mathbf{r}+\mathbf{a}) = \sum_{\lambda=0}^\ell\binom{2\ell}{2\lambda}^{1/2} \sum_{\mu=-\lambda}^\lambda R^\mu_{\lambda}(\mathbf{r}) R^{m-\mu}_{\ell-\lambda}(\mathbf{a})\; \langle \lambda, \mu; \ell-\lambda, m-\mu| \ell m \rangle$, $I^m_\ell(\mathbf{r}+\mathbf{a}) = \sum_{\lambda=0}^\infty\binom{2\ell+2\lambda+1}{2\lambda}^{1/2} \sum_{\mu=-\lambda}^\lambda R^\mu_{\lambda}(\mathbf{r}) I^{m-\mu}_{\ell+\lambda}(\mathbf{a})\; \langle \lambda, \mu; \ell+\lambda, m-\mu| \ell m \rangle$,
where the terms in angled brackets are Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.
Solid spherical harmonics have been studied extensively because they arise as natural solutions of the Laplace equation in spherical coordinates. I am interested in going beyond the Laplace equation, however, and consider harmonics where the monomial term is no longer tied to the degree $\ell$ of $Y^m_{\ell}(\theta,\varphi)$:
$R^m_{\ell,k}(\mathbf{r}) \propto r^k Y^m_{\ell}(\theta,\varphi)$
$I^m_{\ell,k}(\mathbf{r}) \propto \frac{ Y^m_{\ell}(\theta,\varphi)}{r^k}$
Apart from issues of orthogonality, would it be possible to derive translation formulae for these generalised solid harmonics? It would be tempting to think that the formulae above would still apply to the new harmonics but that seems unlikely to be true. Much more likely, a summation over $k$ would also be needed.
Thank you.