All celestial bodies have a gravitational well, and particle in the vicinity of this well would feel a gravitational force. My questions are:
a)How can I find the thickness of such a gravitational well?
b)Shouldn't the subatomic particles, e.g. An electron be confined to the potential well of a planet or a star?
c)Is quantum mechanical tunnelling a possibility for the electron (here) to get over the potential barrier?
E.g.: A black hole of infinite mass in the presence of another body becomes completely transparent quantum mechanically ( $\Pi$ = 1). But in an Aharonov-Bohm-like effect, if we consider two systems, each with black hole (B.H.) and concentric shell, opposite each other can result in a tunneling probability, $\Pi$ greater than 0.
In a simplified model of a black hole facing a body of mass $M_{2}$. $M_{2}$ is centered at $R$ opposite a black hole of mass $M$ centered at the origin. Since tunneling is greatest near the top of the barrier, the deviation from a $\frac{1}{r}$ potential toward the center of each body is not critical. The potentials used are that of two point masses, so $M_{2}$ may also be a black hole. Thus two little black holes may get quite close for maximum tunneling radiation. Solving the Schrödinger equation outside the black hole:
$$-\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m}{D^{2}\psi}=-\left[\frac{-GmM}{r}+\left(-\frac{GmM_{2}}{R-r}\right)-E\right]\psi$$ In the region $a\leq r\leq b$, where $a$ bad $b$ are classical turning points, and $$E=-\frac{GmM}{a}+\left(\frac{-GmM}{R-a}\right)=-\frac{GmM}{b}+\left(\frac{-GmM_{2}}{R-b}\right)$$ Since, $T=e^{-2\Delta \gamma}$, $$\Delta \gamma=\frac{m}{\hbar}\sqrt{\frac{2GM}{d}}\left[\sqrt{b(b-d)}-\sqrt{a(a-d)}-dln\left|\frac{\sqrt{b}+\sqrt{b-d}}{\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{a-d}}\right|\right]$$ Here $d=\frac{Ma(R-a)R}{[M((R-a)R+M_{2}a^{2}]}$ and for $R>>b$ & $M_{2}>>M$
Thus, $\Delta \gamma$ approaches zero as $a$ approaches $b$, yielding $\Pi$ approaches 1. When $M$ approaches zero, or $M_{2}$ approaches infinity, or equivalently $\frac{M}{M_{2}}$ approaches zero, $\Delta \gamma$ approaches zero and $\Pi$ approaches one. Hence observing quantum tunnelling.
For a better detailed derivation refer here