Reading through David Tong lecture notes on QFT.
On pages 58-60, he calculates the amplitude of nucleon scattering in scalar Yukawa theory using Dyson time ordering of operators and Wick's theorem. See below link:
He first uses $i\epsilon$ prescription for the Feynman propagator. However then drops $i\epsilon$ terms to arrive at the final result (3.52).
To show this we first go to the center of mass frame and conclude this below which is not clear to me why it is so and why it allows dropping the $i\epsilon$ terms in the final result:
"...This ensures that the 4-momentum of the meson is $$k=(0, \vec{p}-\vec{p}^{\prime}) $$ so $k^2<0$..."
When we do the integral of (3.51) using the delta functions we cancel $k$ but it is not obvious to me how a center of mass frame brings it back and let us drop the $i\epsilon$.