A physical way to see that there are no gravitational waves in spacetime dimension $d~=~3$ is with the degrees of freedom of a wave. An electromagnetic or other gauge field has an electric $\vec E$ and magnetic field $\vec B$. In a sourceless region These fields are orthogonal in an electromagnetic or gauge field wave. Yet if you have only two spatial dimensions you do not have enough dimensions for the wave to propagate. The old right hand rule for the $\vec E$ and $\vec B$ fields and the direction or propagation $\vec k$ means you have insufficient number of spatial dimensions for waves. This means you have static field configurations, which is a topological field theory.
The extends to gravitational waves as well which require in a weak field limit the perturbing metric elements $h_{++}$ and $h_{\times\times}$ for two polarization directions. This means you have traceless field tensors $E_{ij}$ and $B_{ij}$ for the electric and magnetic analogues of the gravitational field in the spatial manifold embeded in spacetime. Again if you have only two spatial dimensions you "run out of dimensions" for wave progagation. This is manifested more mathematically in the vanishing of the Weyl tensor. There is though a parallel tensor with conformal structure called the Cotton tensor. The Weyl tensor defines the conformal properties of spacetime, and the Cotton tensor does the same for lower dimensional spacetimes.
For dimensions higher than $4$ we can think about black holes with Gauss theory in a Newtonian setting. If we have any spatial surface $\Sigma^n$ with dimension $n$ larger than $2$ the gravitational field inside a Gaussian surface $S$ enclosing a region $V~\subset~\Sigma^n$ we have
\int_S {\bf F}\cdot da~=~\int_V\nabla\cdot {\bf F}dV~=~4\pi G\rho,
for $\rho$ the mass density. For three dimension the area enclosing the source is a $2$-sphere and we get Newtonian gravity. In general we get a form of this field that appears as
{\bf F}~=~-\frac{k}{r^{n-1}}.
and the potential that gives the field ${\bf F}~=~-\nabla U$ has a form
The metric elements of the Schwarzschild metric $g_{tt}~=$ $g_{rr}^{-1}~=~(1~-~2m/r$ become modified accordingly with $g_{tt}~=~(1~-~c/r^{n-2})$. This is admittedly rather heuristic and a more rigorous derivation is needed.