Strictly speaking this is a math question, but since the Dirac algebra is much more important in physics than in math I thought I'd have a better chance of getting an answer here.
The Dirac algebra can be defined as the Clifford algebra associated to the Minkowski metric. In physics texts it is not always clear if the real or the complex Clifford algebra is meant, I would say that morally it's the real one, but strictly speaking the complex one. The latter is isomorphic to the algebra of $4\times 4$ complex matrices, but not in a canonical way. By the Skolem-Noether theorem (and probably in some more elementary way as well) we see that all such isomorphisms are conjugate, and even that all complex representations of the real Dirac algebra (which is simple) are conjugate.
Now in physics texts the Dirac algebra is often defined to be an algebra of $4\times 4$ matrices, but with a representation of $\Bbb R^{1,3}$ contained within it, in the form of the four (unspecified) matrices $\gamma^\mu$.
In that context, there are obvious definitions of the trace and the Hermitian adjoint, namely as the trace and the Hermitian adjoint of the matrix. By the remark above and the fact that the trace is invariant under conjugation, we see that the trace is well-defined on the abstract algebra level. Of the Hermitian conjugate that is not so clear (I don't know if it's true).
This is unsatisfactory for several reasons:
- We do really want to work with different representations, so it would be nice if we could define the trace in a way that is independent of a specific representation, or maybe some canonical representation like the regular representation or (even better) if there is some canonical 4-dimensional space on which it acts.
- It doesn't work so well for other spaces $\Bbb R^{1,d}$.
- Things like the trace identities are messy and hard to memorize.
My questions:
- Does this only work well in $\Bbb R^{1,3}$?
- Is it more correct or useful to view the Dirac algebra as the real or the complex Clifford algebra?
- Is there a canonical, or representation-independent definition of the trace? Ideally one that works for all Clifford algebras.
- Is there a canonical definition of the Hermitian adjoint, or maybe a Hermitian inner product?
- Can the Dirac equation or more a Dirac spinor field be conveniently interpreted in terms of the abstract Dirac algebra without any explicit reference to a 4-dimensional representation of it?
It isn't hard to show that the Dirac algebra has a unique anti-involution which I'll denote $\ast$ that satisfies $\gamma^{\mu\ast} = g^\mu_{\ \ \nu}\gamma^\nu$. If we call this the Hermitian adjoint, this would say that $\gamma^0$ is Hermitian, and $\gamma^i$ is anti-Hermitian. We could then demand that in a matrix representation, these map to a Hermitian and anti-Hermitian matrices. However, this is not automatic: it doesn't follow from the algebraic structure that this must be the case, and must be seen as an additional requirement on a representation of the Dirac algebra.
To be explicit, one could consider the real Clifford algebra or $\Bbb R^{1,1}$. This can be mapped isomorphically onto $\mathcal M_2(\Bbb R)$ in such a way that $\gamma^0$ is symmetric and $\gamma^1$ is antisymmetric. It can also be mapped onto a subalgebra of $\mathcal M_2(\Bbb C)$ in such a way that $\gamma^0$ is Hermitian, and $\gamma^1$ is anti-Hermitian.