I'm currently reading literature about diffraction (especially Rayleigh/Sommerfeld-Diffraction, or the equivalent fourier-method), and I'm stumbling across the terms "paraxial approximation" and "Fresnel approximation" all the time. What is the exact difference between these two terms, or, what is the exact definition of these terms? What mathematical expressions are approximated, and in what cases?
I'm currently calculating the Fourier transform of the free space transfer function
$$ H(x, y, z) = \mathcal{F} _{(x, y)}\left( e^{iz\sqrt{k^2-k_x^2-k_y^2}}\right) $$
Using the assumption that the field (which undergoes diffraction) contains only such spectral components with $k^2 \gg k_x^2$ (that would be a constraint that you apply to the whole diffracted field), you can approximate the exponential function to be
$$ e^{iz\sqrt{k^2-k_x^2-k_y^2}} \approx e^{ikz - \frac{i}{2 k z}(k_x^2 + k_y^2)} $$
If you then calculate the impulse response (the Fourier transform), you arrive at parabolic waves that propagate from each point of the surface that contains the diffractingstructur. What approximation did I use here? Fresnel approximation or the paraxial approximation?