The sound horizon is the distance that a wave of plasma can move from the end of Inflation to Recombination (roughly 300,000 years). In several papers and talks, this is described as a moving wave (see at the 23 minute mark). The velocity of the wave is given as $v_{sound} = \frac {c}{\sqrt {3}}$. When recombination occurs, the driving pressure disappears and the density of energy is frozen at that location and is observed by us as a slightly higher temperature than average (the sound horizon).
However, other papers I've read (see talk about standing waves where the sound horizon is a function of the fundamental frequency and the second and third peaks are harmonics of that fundamental frequency. How do I resolve the image of a wave moving down the length of a rope vs. a standing wave on the rope? Is the first peak of the Temperature Power Spectrum associated with a shockwave moving outward from the over-density (as described by Eisenstein) or is it a collapse of baryons inward towards the over-density (as described by Klauber)?