I'm dealing with an asymmetric potential well which is given by, $$ \begin{array}{ll} V = 0 &\text{for} \, x < 0 \\ V = -V_0 & \text{for} \, 0 \leq x < d \\ V = 4V_0 & \text{for} \, x\geq d \end{array} $$
The task is to find the least value of $d$ for which a bound state exists. I know that $E<0$ for a bound state. I've got the equation which quantifies the energy,
$$\dfrac{\cos(kd) +\frac{\alpha}{\kappa}\sin(kd)}{-\sin(kd) + \frac{\alpha}{\kappa}\cos(kd)} = -\dfrac{\kappa}{\beta}$$ where $$\hbar\kappa = \sqrt{2m(E + V_0)}; \hbar\alpha = \sqrt{-2mE}; \hbar\beta = \sqrt{2m(4V_0-E)} \, .$$
How can I proceed to get the minimum value of $d$?