Looking into quantum field theory I have come across the time-ordering operator, $T$, defined such that (ignoring the sign associated with fermion opeartors): $$T(a_1(t_1)...a_n(t_n))=a_{\pi(1)}(t_{\pi(1)})...a_{\pi(n)}(t_{\pi(n)})$$ where $\pi$ is a permutation of $1,2,...,n$ such that $t_{\pi(1)} \gt t_{\pi(2)}\gt...\gt t_{\pi(n)}$. This is fine and I understand how this works. But have also seen expressions like:
$$T \left( \exp \left( -i \int^t_0 dt' V_I(t') \right) \right)$$ How is the time-ordering operator defined to work in these cases? Since in the first their is explicit time dependence and in the second it seems that all operators will be evaluated at the same time $t$.