Here is a question about special relativity.
We have a right triangle $ABC$, where $\angle ABC = 90^{\circ}$ and $\overline{AB} = \overline{BC}$.
We have the Earth at $A$, and another planet at $C$. (Ignore any celestial bodies that have gravity.)
Spaceship 1 travels $A \rightarrow B \rightarrow C$ at a constant speed $v_1$ (relative speed w.r.t. the Earth; the direction of velocity changes at $B$).
Spaceship 2 travles straightly $A \rightarrow C$ at a constant speed $v_2$ (relative speed w.r.t. the Earth).
$v_1 > v_2$, so that both spaceships start at the same time (measured at $A$), and arrive at the same time (measured at $C$).
Assume there is a person in each spaceship. When the spaceships arrive at $C$, will the people in spaceship 2 have got more ages (because the spaceship is slower), or will people in both spaceships have got the same ages?