It is all about finding or constructing conserved quantities.
When an object is under forces, in general the KE of the object is no longer a constant. But can we add something to it so that we have a conserved quantity again?
People derived that by Work-KE theorem
$$\Delta KE = \int_{t_i}^{t_f} \textbf{F}_{net} \cdot \textbf{v} dt$$
is the net force acting on the object.
Then we found that for some force
$$\int_{t_i}^{t_f} \textbf{F}_{k} \cdot \textbf{v} dt = \int_{\textbf{r}_i}^{\textbf{r}_f} \textbf{F}_{k} \cdot d\textbf{r}$$
which is path independent and called conservative forces. Forces don't satisfy this property are called non-conservative forces.
So we want to "move" these terms to the LHS and we have
$$\Delta KE - \int_{\textbf{r}_i}^{\textbf{r}_f} \sum_{conservative} \textbf{F}_{k} \cdot d\textbf{r} = \int_{t_i}^{t_f} \sum_{nonconservative} \textbf{F}_{k} \cdot \textbf{v} dt$$
So we have the minus side because we "moved" them to the other side of the equation.
Now if we define
$$PE_k(\textbf{r}_f)-PE_k(\textbf{r}_i)=-\int_{\textbf{r}_i}^{\textbf{r}_f} \textbf{F}^{conservative}_k\cdot d\textbf{r}$$
then we have
$$\Delta KE + PE_1(\textbf{r}_f)-PE_1(\textbf{r}_i) + PE_2(\textbf{r}_f)-PE_2(\textbf{r}_i)+\cdots = \text{Work done by nonconservative forces}$$
If there are no nonconservative forces, or when the nonconservative forces do no work, then we have the conservation of energy, where total energy is defined as the sum of KE and PE.
Note that if you are fine to accept the total energy being KE - PE, then it is completely fine to define PE without the minus sign.
As for your last question, you can imagine that you apply a force which is just "slightly" larger than the conservative force. Then the object will move very slowly. When it is close to the final position, reduce your force so that it is just "slightly" less than the conservative force so that the object will slow down.