The question follows from xkcd cartoon "Depth Perception (941)". I've isolated the frames that describe the concept here.
In words, one could theoretically point two cameras at the sky, and displace them so that, if viewed as components of a projected 3D image, the starfield of the night sky would have a perceivable depth. That is, Sirius or Alpha Centauri would appear closer than, say, Betelgeuse.
The idea sounds interesting, but I was wondering whether it's actually possible. That is, how large would the displacement of the cameras need to be to create a perceivable depth? To quantify, let's say we're trying to reduce the scale from 5 light-years to 100 m. Would this require a displacement of 5 light-years / 100 m$\times$(separation of eyes)$\approx1/400$ light-years $\approx136$ AU or is it more complicated than that?
I guess the maximum we could achieve is by taking two images of the same field of stars, one year apart and combining them, to give a separation of the "eyes" of about 2 AU. I don't know enough astrometry myself to be sure.