I have a bunch of JPEG, JPEG2000 GIF and PNG files that in theory could be used for some types of science analysis if there were temporal and spatial information in them.
Years ago, I had looked into trying to put some of the information as EXIF into the files, and I could enter timing information (DateTimeOriginal, SubsecTimeOriginal, ExposureTime), and even location of the main object of interest (SubjectArea), but it had some issues with distance to the object (SubjectDistance), as it stored it as a rational number (LONG/LONG), in meters, and so the farthest distance I could specify was about 0.014 AU.
Is anyone else aware of people embedding scientific metadata in common-use graphical formats?
And if so, can you point me towards the specification, project, or implementation?
(and other than GeoTIFF or the like ... we just don't use TIFF except for sending to museums; I'm interested in trying to put the critical metadata into the browse images that we're generating for the scientists)