A loudspeaker emitting sound of frequency f is placed at the open end of a pipe of length l which is closed at the other end. A standing wave is set up in the pipe.
A series of pipes are then set up with either one or two loudspeakers of frequency f. The pairs of loudspeakers vibrate in phase with each other. Which pipe contains a standing wave?
The correct answer is D; however, I think that all choices are correct. I have learnt that a standing wave is a superposition of two waves moving in opposite directions, each having the same amplitude and frequency. So, any closed pipe as shown in the question must create a standing wave because a reflected wave from the closed end has the same frequency and amplitude as a wave created from the source. Also, I'm confused that I can still draw a formation of standing waves inside all pipes which have opened ends on both sides, too. Could you explain the way to approach this problem ,please?
Any help would be much appreciated.