Suppose you have a scalar field theory with field operators $\phi(x)=\phi(x)_+ + \phi(x)_- $ that can be decomposed into terms of annihilation and destruction operators. Let $$ D(x-y) = <0|T(\phi(x)\phi(y))|0> $$ be the propagator for said theory. I am trying to prove the relation $$ <0|T(:\phi(x)^n::\phi(y)^m:)|0> = n!\: D(x-y)^n \delta_{n,m}. $$ My fírst attempt at a solution was to plug in the definitions of time ordered and normal ordered products, use the decomposition of $\phi(x)$ and the Multinomial theorem for expressing $\phi(x)^n$ and $\phi(y)^m$. After this had lead me nowhere I looked up Wicks theorem and tried to use it. But I don't know what the contraction of normal ordered product with a normal ordered product is. I know you can use it for expressions like $$<0|T(:\phi(x)^n\phi(y)^m:)|0>,$$ but my problem is obviously different from that. Then I tried to prove the relation by complete induction, which failed because I couldn't express the $(n+1)$ term on the left hand side in terms of the result for the case $n$. My last resort was to work this out for the case $n=m=2$ and then work my way up to arbitrary powers. I looked my problem up in Peskin and Schröder's book and also in Schwabel's Advanced Quantum Mechanics, but found nothing than the definitions and the introductory examples. I closely studied the questions
I've been thinking about this problem for man days now and any help or idea, I can start from, would be greatly appreciated.