I read several textbooks of QFT and find that there are two ways to classify the particles or fields. The first one is to study the irreducible representation of Lorentz group (or exactly the universal covering group $SL(2,C)$). Then we find irreducible but not unitary representation $(i,j)$ which is finite dimensional and use them to represent different kinds of field. The second one is to study the unitary representation of Poincare group and we can classify particles by mass and spin.
Then my question is:
Why do we not study the finite dimensional irreducible representation of Poincare group, like Lorentz group? Some people will say that the useful representation in Quantum Mechanics is unitary representation and Poincare group which is not compact do not have finite dimensional unitary rep. However this argument is not convincing, because it cannot explain why we still study the finite rep of Lorentz group.
Except the "trivial" rep., does there exist any other finite dimensional irreducible rep. of Poincare group? Here "trivial" means the rep. that we can get from enlarging the original rep. of Lorentz group by letting translation act trivially on original representational space.
For example, we have a faithful rep. of Poincare group, $\begin{pmatrix} \Lambda & x \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$, where $\Lambda$ is Lorentz transformation and $x$ is translation. This is a reducible but indecomposable representation. We can always define an irreducible rep. of Poincare group by
$$f:\begin{pmatrix} \Lambda & x \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}\rightarrow D_{(i,j)}(\Lambda)$$ where $D_{(i,j)}(\Lambda)$ is the irreducible rep. of Lorentz group. So is there other finite dimensional irreducible rep. of Poincare group?
- It seems that we use Lorentz group's rep. to classify the fields and use Poincare group's rep. to classify the particles. Because the isometry of Minkovski spacetime is Poincare group, why do we only use Lorentz group's rep. to classify the fields and don't take the whole Poincare group into consideration?