The Schrödinger lagrangian for complex fields is
$$L=\frac{1}{2m}(D_i \psi)^* Di \psi - \frac{i}{2} \left[\psi ^* D_0 \psi - (D_o \psi)^* \right] - \frac{1}{4}F^{\mu \nu}F_{\mu \nu}$$
Where $D_\mu = \partial _\mu + ieA_\mu$ is the covariant derivative and $F^{\mu \nu}$ is the field strength tensor. The equations of motion for the radiation fields take the form
$$\partial _\mu \left[\frac{\partial L}{\partial(\partial_\mu A_\nu)} -\right] - \frac{\partial L}{\partial A_\nu} = 0$$
We know that $A_\mu=(A_o,A_i)$. How do we express the derivative $\frac{\partial L}{\partial A_\nu}$ in terms of the $A_o$ and $A_i$ components in order to compute the derivatives $\frac{\partial L}{\partial A_0}$ and $\frac{\partial L}{\partial A_i}$?
Edit: I already use the chain rule and compute the derivatives
$$\frac{\partial L}{\partial A_\nu}=eJ^0 \delta^\nu _0 +eJ^i \delta^\nu _i=eJ^\nu$$